IAEA Report: International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) orientation phase mission summary report: Somalia

A full report has been compiled describing the findings of the International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) Orientation Phase Mission to Somalia. The Mission suggests that in addition to the reasonably assured resources (RAR) of 5,000 T uranium and estimated additional resources (EAR) of 11 000 t uranium in calcrete deposits, the speculative resources (SR) could be within the wide range of 0 – 150 000 t uranium. The majority of these speculative resources are related to sandstone and calcrete deposits.

The potential for magmatic hydrothermal deposits is relatively small. The Mission recommends an exploration programme of about US$ 22,000,000 to test the uranium potential of the country which is thought to be excellent. The Mission also suggests a reorganization of the Somalia Geological Survey in order to improve its efficiency. Recommended methods include geological mapping, Landsat imagery interpretation, airborne and ground scintillometer surveys, and geochemistry. Follow-up radiometric surveys, exploration geophysics, mineralogical studies, trenching and drilling are proposed in favourable areas.

Availability note (English)

Available from INIS in electronic form


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